How to bring back the old start menu in windows 8 developer preview

Microsoft recently pushed out the preview version of their upcoming windows operating system code named windows 8. Windows 8 will be the next version of Microsoft windows operating system with all new modern interfaces.  If you still not tried out the windows 8 developer preview please go through below links.

Download Microsoft Windows 8 Developer Preview [Direct Link ]

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Microsoft windows 8 is much talked for their metro style user interface. This modern interface that used in windows phone 7 will bring all new experience to the Microsoft windows. If you already installed windows 8 developer preview you may be noticed that Metro is integrated and enabled by default.

If you are on the new windows 8 metro interface you may be noticed that, the old classic start menu not included. Today we are going to show you how to enable the old classic start menu that you seen on Windows 7,Vistaand XP on your windows 8 developer preview by disabling the metro user interface. Follow below steps to enable the old classic start menu.

Step 1: Go to Start > Search, select Apps from right sidebar, type regedit in search bar and select ‘regedit’ from the listed Apps.

Step 2: Move on or navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer

 Windows 8-registry-editor

Step 3: Now change the value of RPEnabled from “1” to “0”

You are done! Old classic start menu will be now visible on your Windows 8 developer preview system. If you enable this feature you will not be able to see the metro UI. Disabling Metro UI using above method also disables Ribbon UI in explorer.


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